America, if you don't like it, you can always leave. The underworld organization profiles everything that moves. We profile whites and blacks, and any color in between. Is not about your color, its about your mentality. We not only profile humans, but also animals. For instance, the cat that lives next door. Everyone says, 'What a nice kitty he is.' But at the same time, he gangs up on my birds. The question is simple. If we are bad people in this country, then why are you here?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Iran's Religous Criminals

In recent years there has been a dramatic turnabout in relations between the United States and Iraq. For more than two decades following the overthrow of the Hashemite monarchy in 1958, U.S. - Iraqi relations were marked by the suspicion and hostility. By 1982, however, the Iraqi government was beginning to rethink its stand toward the United States. Iraq had suffered serious reverses in its war with Iran and was still smarting from the Soviet decision at the beginning of the war to stop supplying heavy arms to it. In 1982 and 1983, Iraq put out feelers to Washington.

Iraq's use of poison gas against its Kurdish citizens in late August and early September 1988 drew a vigorous protest from then Secretary of State George Shultz. During a visit to Washington on Sept. 8 by Iraqi Minister of State Saadoun Hammadi, a member of President Saddam Hussein's inner circle, Shultz made known publicly, in extraordinarily candid and undiplomatic terms, hi and the Regan administration's dismay over Iraq's action. In the end, however, Shultz acceded to pressure from the State Department's Middle East professionals and approved a recommendation that the administration oppose Congressionally mandated sanctions against Iraq. A sanctions bill, which at first seemed assured of passage, died in the House.

The U.S. took no other concrete tep to manifest displeasure. The administration did not recall the newly arrived U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, by contrast on August 29, 1989, the State Department recalled Ambassador Sol Polansky from Sofia in protest of Bulgaria's mistreatment of its ethnic Turkish minority. U.S. government trade credits and guarantees were not eliminated or reduced, but instead were doubled the following year.

Nonetheless, Shultz's protest to Hammadi, the September 8, 1988 press statement and the momentary threat of Congressionally mandated sanctions succeeded in capturing the attention of the Iraqi government. On September 17, 1988, Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz, speaking in Baghdad, declared that Ifaq respects and abides by all provisions of international law, including the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of poison gas. Three days later, the State Department called this "a positive step" and added: "We take this statement to mean that Iraq foreswears the use of chemical weapons in internal as well as international conflicts." Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Richard Murphy told Congress on October 13 that Tariq Aziz had personally confirmed to Shultz that Tariq Aziz's September 17 statement meant that Iraq intended to renounce the use of chemical weapons against domestic and foreign enemies.

With regard to to Iraq's actions against its Kurdish minority, the report noted "the grave human rights violations when the Iraqi armed forces moved to crush a longstanding Kurdish rebellion... The campaign was marked by the use of chemical weapons against guerrillas and civilians alike." The report also pointed out that in 1988 the Iraqi government intensified its destruction of Kurdish and Assyrian villages in northern Iraq and its relocation of their inhabitants.

The report failed however to provide significant information on the conditions in which the estimated 500,000 displaced Kurds now live. Nor did it discuss the serious ramifications of their expulsion from their native homes and their resettlement in unfamiliar surroundings where few opportunities for regular employment exist. The country report also failed to mention the proliferation of Iraqi laws that call for the death penalty, many of them for crimes clearly of a political nature or of insufficient gravity to warrant capital punishment under generally accepted international standards.

Despite the forthright statement in the most recent country report that Iraq's record is "abysmal" and "unacceptable", the Bush administration did not raise with Iraqi authorities the report's findings of murder, extra-legal detention, torture and disappearance of political opponents and government critics, according to State Department sources.

Although the U.S. government has repeatedly denounced forced internal relocation in Nicaragua and Ethiopia, for example, there has been no public expression of concern over the Iraqi government's relocation of at least 500,000 Kurds and Assyrians, although State Department sources said that the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad privately discussed this issue with Iraqi officials during 1988 and 1989.

During interviews with Middle East Watch, State Department officials, both in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, which has direct operational responsibility for relations with Iraq, and in the Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, showed themselves keenly aware of the abusive and repressive nature of hte Iraqi regime. One senior State Department official described the Iraqi government as "possibly the worst violator of human rights anywhere in the world today." Yet, when asked, these same officials expressed considerable reluctance to press Iraq on human rights issues. Some argued that the Iraqi government is "uniquely impervious" to criticism or pressure on human rights grounds. Others argued that despite the substantial political support and trade credits extended by the United States in recent years, there is little or nothing Washington can do that would make a difference.

This, however, was a reference only to Iraq's and Iran's use of poison gas in their war against each other, not to Iraq's chemical attacks on its own Kurds. The U.N. never had the opportunity to "establish and condemn" the attacks on the Kurds because both Iraq and Turkey rejected the Secretary General's request to send a U. N. investigative team.

Until this point the evidence showed that no one investigated who really killed the Kurds. In September of 1988 word began to appear in a major NY newspaper that Iraq killed the Kurds. In reality there was no evidence of that claim. The first report was printed by a reporter named "A" and when we profiled him, we found out that he was a Jew. At the same time, a reporter named "B" from London, called the first reporter to ask "how can you file this kind of report without any evidence." The reporter replied that "Saddam hated the Kurds." When the massacre took place, Saddam didn't have any idea what was happening. He thought that the generals in charge up north were having their own war.

Do you remember Oliver North? At the same time he was selling Iran weapons. The profit from the weapons allowed him to have his own war in South America. One day someone asked Regan how the war in S. America was going. Regan replied "What war?"

Saddam was suspicious of his generals. If you have noticed, when the generals would have a meeting, the national guard was always behind them. The report stated that Saddam didn't trust his generals and the generals didn't trust Saddam. They were suspicious of each other. The London reporter (B), had close relations with a general from northern Iraq and he said that they never ordered such genocide. He asked the other generals and they also didn't know anything.

In 1967 some members of the underworld moved to Iran to collect information and are still there. The Iranians have lately been charging several people with espionage. If you are looking for people who are spying on your country, they are talking to you. Let those innocent people go. They are trying to do more good to your country than harm. Also, keep in mind, we don't work for any government. We are self-employed and are proud of what we do.

Anyway, you are not a true leader. You area yo-yo. You're being manipulated by those religious criminals and we will tell the world the truth. Those religious criminals, in conjunction with Iraqi religious criminals are responsible for the genocide. There is an old saying in some parts of the world. "The devil makes you do it, and the devil will discover it."

This report has been dedicated to all the innocent people that your country has killed.


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